How Juicing Saves Lives! Jessica Heals from Lyme.


This is an incredible transformation story of how slow juicing saves lives. “When you’re going through hell, don’t stop!”, Winston Churchill. My husband would share with me when life seemed overwhelming. You can either choose to let the story of your current situation define you or you can choose another route. You can choose to give it all you’ve got and seemingly defy the laws of nature. When what you really did was simply never give up on the vision that you can manifest a better life. Day by day, step by step, set back after set back, you are actually moving forward to a better place.
We almost lost a dear friend, Jessica Alexander Fields, a few years ago to the culmination of chronic illness and co-infections that had been writhing her body since birth. Seeing a vibrant friend slowly shrink to nothing losing a dangerous amount of healthy weight, lose her vigor, and share the most bizarre health problems, was hard to understand and tragic to see.


The good news is Jessica was determined to seek out anything and everything she could do. She would not allow the medical system to simply label her and medicate her, only masking the bigger problem. Finding the source of a medical issue is the foundation to healing of which one can then implement specific elements of nature to literally dive into our bodies and seriously get to work. Western medicine certainly has its benefits and place in helping people survive, but much credit is due to the natural gifts our planet provides through powerful healing nutrition in fruits and vegetables. And slow juicing is a path to make dramatic change with consistent use.


The Slow Food movement is real, promoting local food and traditional cooking, and can help return us to the healthy eating we once had. Our recent rampant illness explosion from so many influences in the fast food and food product world in which we now live has knocked us off balance. In addition, eating raw fruit and vegetables, and slow juicing, assists the release and elimination of toxicity and disease in our bodies. Check out one of Jessica’s favorite vegan cookbooks, Oh She Glows. Another recommendation is the Medical Medium Life Changing Foods book.


Join us in this interview with Jessica exploring her illness. You’ll learn about her journey through discovering the power of juicing and a vegan diet that helped save her life. She is truly a goddess of transformation. Not only has she healed herself of dozens of co-infections, but also speaks with us 7 months into a very healthy pregnancy completely supported through an organic fresh food vegan diet. Outstandingly awesome! To learn more about Jessica and her healing check out her blog!


We’ve all got different “stuff” going on in life. Decide in this moment to do something different and you will produce a different result. One small step and one little win at a time will get you there. There’s an endless supply of support out there including doctors and naturopathic doctors. There are also people like Jessica who have lived through the challenges themselves. Plus there are the people who have supported them. Know your life is worth it to start your own incredible transformation now!


4 thoughts on “How Juicing Saves Lives! Jessica Heals from Lyme.

  1. Oh my gosh!! I have such a dear friend who I am sending this to! I can’t say enough of how your testimony is going to have a ripple effect!! Love you too girls! Can I get the beet cleanse drink recipe🌸

  2. From Jessica – “the recipe is pretty basic I just put beet, parsley, cilantro and radish in the juicer. And then I save the radish greens for my smoothies 😉 I don’t measure anything lol.” When you do this daily, measuring is more of a feeling than having to be precise, at least that’s how it is for me and our daily juicing. That can also depend on your personality type too! 😊

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